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Bread Baker Tools

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You can use these tools to make bread baking more enjoyable, whether you are a novice or a skilled baker. Bread baking requires precision as well as some basic tools. A dough scraper, for example, is an essential tool for bread bakers. This tool shapes the dough, removes sticky areas and removes excess flour. This tool is also useful for creating artistic slicing designs.

A proofing pan is an important tool in bread baking. This device, also called a brotform, provides structure for the sides of the dough while it proofs. This allows the dough not to lose its shape during rising. It allows for temperature control. There are many sizes available so you can find the one that suits your needs. You should always store your proofing basket in a dry area. If the basket gets wet, the loaf may expand and lose its shape. The basket can be lined with linen to make it easier to clean.

Another important tool in bread baking is the kitchen scale. It can measure to the gram and can be used to measure the amount of flour, water and other ingredients necessary for a particular recipe. You can also use an instant-read thermometer to aid in this process. The thermometers are useful for checking the temperature in the dough. A thermometer should have a large face that is easy to read and a tip that is 2.5mm in diameter. This will allow you to test the internal temperature of your dough.

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A pastry brush is another important tool for baking bread. A pastry brush is a wonderful tool to use for applying an egg wash on the outside of the loaf. It also makes it easier to transfer the loaf to the oven. It also can be used to spread melted butter on the outside crust of the loaf.

A dredge shaker is also useful for mixing ingredients. It can be used as an ordinary bread scraper but also to sprinkle flour onto the dough's surface. This tool is ideal for dusting the counter, and you can also use it to dust the dough as it is baking.

Another important bread baking tool is if you're making a batch of shaped loaves. Scoring your dough will help you get the most from it. This allows you to control the bread's rise and gives you a variety in texture. This can be done using a kitchen shears and a straight razor. A wooden coffee stirrer is also an option.

Thermometers can also be used to determine the temperature of the dough or the liquid that is necessary for the bread. The Thermapen by ThermoWorks makes a great choice for bread baking because it is fast and accurate. It can also test the yeast in liquid.

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Although you might not consider it to be important when baking bread, a baking sheet is an essential tool. This tool is particularly useful for baking baguettes as it allows you to transfer the bread from the oven to the oven. This tool is great for baking pizza because it allows you to move the crust around in your oven.

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Bread Baker Tools